Saturday, January 31, 2009


This morning was particularly challenging for me emotionally. So rather than going on with what I had originally planned for the beginning of my day. I quickly rolled up my yoga mat and decided against even starting my work out. A few minutes later while looking in the bathroom mirror I thought about how I would storm out, still in a huff, after my shower and smoke a cigarette on the fire escape. -A nasty habit I had reinstated about 2 weeks ago after losing a very dear brother to a massive heart attack- Suddenly, I realized that none of this was what I really wanted to do. I actually wanted to work out, feel great, clear my mind, do my laundry and start my day.

Isn't it interesting how as soon as the going gets tough all we want to do is degenerate our bodies and/or each other? After my shower I put my laundry on and proceeded with my work out. And despite the occasional memory of wanting to light up - I did... not. 

I have a picture which gets clearer each day of the kind of body, mind and spirit I'd like to cultivate for myself this year and the steps that must be taken to achieve it. Those types of thoughts and actions were simply not conducive to it. So, I allowed thoughts to come visit me during the day but did not invite all of them to participate in my life. Instead I opted for doing what would take me one day closer to my goal. It felt good. 

So... I'll take it one day at a time.

Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm happy to report that I woke up extra early today (5:45 a.m.) brushed my teeth, sat on the couch and while taking full yogic breaths and went into "stillness" ... for 4 whole minutes! I'm quite proud of this achievement given the fact that I used to quite often snooze myself right back into sleepness. Quite frustrating I must say. My mind still wonders a bit, though not as much as when I first started my regular (though not quite daily yet, I'm afraid) meditation routine in the beginning of this month. I find that if I focus on the breath - trust me it can be quite challenging. One's mind will do anything and everything it can to pull one right out of it. I then quickly popped in my Yoga tape (yes VCR) and I was in full cat pose mode by 6:02.

You know, yoga is truly my favorite form of exercise, I find it very rewarding. Although -I've recently heard pretty good things about pole dancing - I'm not quite ready for that yet. The great thing about yoga is that one feels immediate results. Right after a work out I feel so light -cliche' as it may sound- of body, mind and spirit after even just 30 minutes of it. My body is a little more flexible and more able to hold each position longer each time I practice it.

So take a little time each day (ideally) to do a little something for your body whether it's yoga, pilates, or a walk around your block. There's no time like the present.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


If it is true that beauty is a combination of qualities that pleases the senses, then it is fair to say that beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. Sadly, it is often the one who catches a glimpse of her/his reflection who is blind to the beauty that looks back. Our senses...the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch tell a different tale. Although they too are subject to perception, it is up to us to look beyond them and see ourselves for what we plain and simple.

Understanding that beauty is not limited to our physical appearance - Sensing Beauty offers a holistic perspective on beauty and its various forms. Please join us on our journey of rediscovery and new beginnings. Embrace it, bring it into your lives and watch yourself transform before your eyes.

The first leg of our trip invites us to look at the different facets that make us whole. P.I.E.S (no -not blueberry), as Sister Lucille lovingly drummed into our heads during 7th grade religion classes, is an acronym for the Physical Intellectual Emotional and Spiritual aspects of the human experience. If any of these are out of balance it will reflect in our lives and/or bodies. Sit quietly and reflect (meditate) upon your own P.I.E.S. and notice which area will benefit from some replenishment. Too busy? Remind yourself, 1000 times per day if you have to, this is a new year which brings with it new thoughts, beginnings, hopes, dreams, actions and before you know it a new you. There is a reason why you've come across this blog. There are no coincidences - the reason my dear

As Elizabeth Lesser, author and co-founder of Omega Institute, the largest adult education center focusing on health, wellness, spirituality and creativity in the country, recently shared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. If meditation sounds overwhelming, start small. "In January, carve out one minute -- just one minute" Lesser says. "You wake up in the morning, you brush your teeth, you take your shower, and then sit back on your bed for one minute and go into stillness."

Increase your meditation time by one minute a month for a year. "By the time you get up to December, you're going to have a spiritual practice" Lesser says. "Twelve minutes a day where you're in stillness and you're listening to that voice within and you're getting fantastic guidance on how to make decisions."

Give to yourself part of the time, no matter how small at first, that you dutifully give to others, your home, your job...etc. Refill, replenish, restore yourself - one step at a time. If you are running on empty you will have nothing (of value) to offer to yourself, your children or loved ones. Your home will become a house, your job will become meaningless, and your life automatic. It will Not sure what this means!?! Think of a baby, a puppy, or a couple in love, they are full of life and they are here to live it...rain or shine.

**Remember, praying is sending a message - talking to GOD (Buddha, Jehovah, Goddess, the
Universe...) - and meditation is where you will receive the answer.