Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm happy to report that I woke up extra early today (5:45 a.m.) brushed my teeth, sat on the couch and while taking full yogic breaths and went into "stillness" ... for 4 whole minutes! I'm quite proud of this achievement given the fact that I used to quite often snooze myself right back into sleepness. Quite frustrating I must say. My mind still wonders a bit, though not as much as when I first started my regular (though not quite daily yet, I'm afraid) meditation routine in the beginning of this month. I find that if I focus on the breath - trust me it can be quite challenging. One's mind will do anything and everything it can to pull one right out of it. I then quickly popped in my Yoga tape (yes VCR) and I was in full cat pose mode by 6:02.

You know, yoga is truly my favorite form of exercise, I find it very rewarding. Although -I've recently heard pretty good things about pole dancing - I'm not quite ready for that yet. The great thing about yoga is that one feels immediate results. Right after a work out I feel so light -cliche' as it may sound- of body, mind and spirit after even just 30 minutes of it. My body is a little more flexible and more able to hold each position longer each time I practice it.

So take a little time each day (ideally) to do a little something for your body whether it's yoga, pilates, or a walk around your block. There's no time like the present.

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