Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Shortly after I walked into our morning meeting and arrange myself in my seat. Guess who leans over and whispers she had a banana and a cup of tea for breakfast?...It was none other than Miss Wanda herself. I was thrilled for her and as I leaned over to tell her how proud I was of her I notice she herself was grinning -wide and proud- as a Cheshire cat. So there we sat, each listening to our lovely instructor, each grinning like two Cheshire cats. For lunch her intention was to find a tuna salad somewhere but her ego lured her towards the chicken pasta. To her credit the chicken was sauteed not fried and it was lunch time (so she still had a few hours to burn that off) not dinner time.

YOU CAN DO IT WANDA, one step at a time.

Keep up the good work girl! one meal at a time.

How was your  journey today? 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was invited to participate in a Job Readiness Program recently, and have been doing so for the past two weeks, where we explore the ever changing economic circumstances, examine new job trends and various related strategies amongst other things.  It is always a great idea to broaden our knowledge especially in these uncertain times. During the course of each day I couldn't help noticing that the woman to my right,Wanda, simply could not keep her eyes open. She'd bundle herself up in her wrap and no matter how interesting the topics were the poor dear would just end up snoozin' away. Today, this was especially noticeable as she was completely oblivious to questions that were directed specifically towards her. 

Wanda and I ended up in the instructor's office after the session was over to review some key topics. Suddenly out of the blue she mentioned how exhausted she is all the time. Immediately Kathleen (the instructor) and I pointed out her poor eating habits as being the main reason for her barely there energy level. She wasn't quite sure what we meant at first then we gently reminded her that fast food was all we'd ever seen her eat during our group lunch breaks. Of course she was tired! She feeds her body with empty calories, a significant amount of fat, processed sugar, artificial colors etc... doesn't include much water in the mix and yet interestingly was not entirely sure as to why it hasn't been functioning as it should. 

Even while researching on the computer and jotting down notes Wanda continued to mention that she was in the process of searching for a physician to provide her with a weight loss routine as if that would miraculously snap her right back into optimum health. Nourishment is key we must make permanent changes to current eating habits if they are not for our highest good. Have you tuned in to your body today? Listen to it.

I'm not sure if my new friend is ready to commit to her body, mind and spirit to take necessary steps to care for herself through proper nutrition and regular exercise. As that was not the immediate resource she thought of looking into. We'll know for sure once lunch time rolls around. 

What can you do without in your diet? How many "big gulps" can you substitute for water during your day? When we take care of our bodies our bodies will take care of us. Not to mention that we will feel and look great! - a pretty good deal if you ask me.

I gave up late  dinners, now I'll blend a meal replacement shake* with a banana & some frozen fruit and call it a night. I tend to have even just that closer to 6pm rather that 8pm like I used tol. If I get a bit hungry later I allow myself a yogurt or a piece of fruit and listo! that usually does the trick. I've done so for 2 weeks and now I'm happy to report that my pants slide down a little during my yoga routine. 

*If this is something of interest to you check out
This is what I have discovered works well for me, this particular product is less than 7o calories is additive free, very nutritious and is manufactured in an all solar facility. Can't beat that with a stick.
Oh! and it tastes good too. I prefer it mixed in w/OJ and water - of course.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm a big fan of water. To me it's cleansing, healing, relaxing, invigorating, soothing...of course we all know it can also be the extreme opposite of all of this as well. I prefer to focus on it's benefits for now. 

Yes!... if you must know I'm still skipping the loo though not as often as when I started the increase in my water intake a few days ago and I'm still practicing my yoga regularly. Though instead of counting my daily routines I've decided take the number of hours (7 per week) into account instead. This way if I miss a day I can make up the hour during that week and not stress myself about it.

I'm am drinking a glass of water, dabbing on my eye, night and neck creams and calling it a night.

* My aunt Sella's (who will be 94 this September) face always lights up when I arrive at her doorstep with a fresh supply of her favorite moisturizers. She says they "scare" her wrinkles away - isn't that a hoot?
She's absolutely right.  One must hydrate inside and out.

**Here's to Sella the wrinkle-less grandma.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


All this water talk has reminded me to boost my own intake. I'm usually quite good about it although somehow this time of year I must drink even more than I believe to be enough otherwise my... everything gets dry. What's so sexy about a dry everything? Absolutely nothin'!

So the trips to the loo* have increased noticeably these past couple of days. Hey, it beats the dry everything syndrome right? It has been my experience with increased water intake that it generally takes about 3 weeks of internal cleansing for my body to resume its regular routine. It will just level off without decreasing the fluids. The more flushing a body requires the more you will visit the L-word.  My body definitely deserves the investment. Does yours?

You can do this. If drinking water is not yet a large part of your life, it should be. It's completely natural and necessary for optimum health. Try adding 1 glass per day to your menu and simply increase it by one glass each week until you're drinking the amount recommended for you.

One way of determining how much water you should drink per day is to take your weight, divide that number in half and LISTO! you have the number of ounces of water suggested. Divide that by eight to get the number of glasses, it's a bit easier when you count by the glass. Example, if you weigh 200 lbs., half of that is 100. One hundred ounces is equivalent to 12.5 glasses of water per day.

This of course has it's variables. Please check with your doctor to get a more accurate determination for what is best for you.

Well, I'm off to you know where. 

*loo - noun Brit,. informal
  a toilet.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Water is your body's principal chemical component, making up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make your tired.

It's generally not a good idea to use thirst alone as a guide for when to drink. By the time you become thirsty, it's possible to already be slightly dehydrated. Further, be aware that as you get older your body is less able to sense dehydration and send your brain signals of thirst. Excessive thirst and increased urination can be signs of a more serious medical condition. Talk to your doctor if you experience either.

To ward off dehydration and make sure your body has the fluids it needs, make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following:

* Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal.
* Hydrate before, during and after exercise.
* Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings.

Every day you lose water through breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming water, beverages and foods that contain water.

If you drink enough fluid so that rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.*

For great child friendly explanations on this subject and many more log on with your child(ren) to  www.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My son and I were invited to a neighbor's house, this past Sunday, to create  vision boards (a powerful visualizing tool) for the New Year.  I was immediately grateful for knowing people who would invite me to such a lovely event. We entered into the light filled yoga studio and added our piles of magazines, glue sticks and scissors to the existing ones, chatted a bit and went to town!  While our children played together we, Dr. Placid Bone -founder of Golden Om Yoga - her husband Bryonn Bain, good friend Alicia and myself  had a great time selecting images for our prospective projects. Each one helped the other find the "perfect" couple, car, house etc... if they came across those images/phrases while searching for their own. The couple shared the vision boards they created last year and while pointing to each image they explained how almost all of them became true for them. Bryonn was especially exited to share his experience, as he had just arrived from church and had witnessed what he believed to be was the sermon of the year! He kept smiling and saying "YES WE CAN!" Very inspirational... and quite infectious. 

You know what? WE... includes you too.

** Vision Board (a great visualization tool)- essentially it's a visual collage of images and phrases that reflect your goals, dreams, desires, life direction etc... cut out from various magazines and glued to a poster board -size optional. 

Brief Guidelines:

2-Lay Out
4-Place photo (an obviously happy one of course) of you in the center (optional) 
5-Hang where you will see it often


I will help my son create his when his social calender permits

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Through out the many changes the earth has experienced geographically for the past 3.5 billion years there is one thing that has remained constantly present on it and that is... water. It is essential for all life. Although there is some evidence that it has been found on some other planets in our solar system, mainly in the form of ice frost or water vapor, the earth is the only one containing large bodies of it. In fact, it 
is covered almost entirely (70 percent) by this is precious element.

                                                                       Photo: La Sirena by Mara Catalan

As humans we have a very strong connection to water. In fact, very much like the earth our body's largest component is...water. We spend the first 9 months of our lives immersed in it in our first home - the womb.  

 According to New York Doula, Margret Crawford CD (DONA) LCCE, not long afterfertilization, a woman's womb creates amniotic fluid to nourish her child. After a couple of months gestation the baby is surrounded with water also containing proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phospholipids, electrolytes and urea. The baby actually inhales and swallows the amniotic fluid and in late gestation also urinates it back out into the mix! The vital liquid replenishes itself many times per day. If a mother's fluid is found to be on the low side, she can often chug a good bit of water with good results.                   

The amniotic sac or "bag of waters" provides a safe space for the baby to develop in and is a wonderful shock absorber in case mom takes a tumble. I often think of how it must feel to have ones whole existence in water and then be suddenly out into full gravity at birth. I know when I have been swimming for even a half hour and get out of the pool how heavy I feel! 

Some children have the privilege of being born into cozy, warm water joined by parents and other loved ones. To go from such a tight space of the womb to the familiar but more open space of water, being caressed by loving hands on the way into the world must be a wonderful transition! The newborn has a natural reflex tat keeps the airway closed while immersed in water and the umbilical cord is still providing oxygen for a short bit at birth. The baby can be brought to the surface peacefully to peek out of the water and take in the world and have it's first  breaths of air.

I treasured the scent of my babies as they all had been soaking in the life sustaining womb fluid. Newborns are soothed by the smell of amniotic fluid and the mothers breast secretes a substance with a very similar scent aiding in establishing breast feeding.

The "bag of waters" is an incredibly miraculous place to be formed in. Every need is provided for and then when the right time comes, life must move onward to the outside of the womb where the nourishing continues on in a new way.

*The biggest trigger for daytime fatigue is lack of water. - Bob McCauley