My son and I were invited to a neighbor's house, this past Sunday, to create vision boards (a powerful visualizing tool) for the New Year. I was immediately grateful for knowing people who would invite me to such a lovely event. We entered into the light filled yoga studio and added our piles of magazines, glue sticks and scissors to the existing ones, chatted a bit and went to town! While our children played together we, Dr. Placid Bone -founder of Golden Om Yoga - her husband Bryonn Bain, good friend Alicia and myself had a great time selecting images for our prospective projects. Each one helped the other find the "perfect" couple, car, house etc... if they came across those images/phrases while searching for their own. The couple shared the vision boards they created last year and while pointing to each image they explained how almost all of them became true for them. Bryonn was especially exited to share his experience, as he had just arrived from church and had witnessed what he believed to be was the sermon of the year! He kept smiling and saying "YES WE CAN!" Very inspirational... and quite infectious.
You know what? WE... includes you too.
** Vision Board (a great visualization tool)- essentially it's a visual collage of images and phrases that reflect your goals, dreams, desires, life direction etc... cut out from various magazines and glued to a poster board -size optional.
Brief Guidelines:
2-Lay Out
4-Place photo (an obviously happy one of course) of you in the center (optional)
5-Hang where you will see it often
I will help my son create his when his social calender permits
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