Thursday, February 5, 2009


All this water talk has reminded me to boost my own intake. I'm usually quite good about it although somehow this time of year I must drink even more than I believe to be enough otherwise my... everything gets dry. What's so sexy about a dry everything? Absolutely nothin'!

So the trips to the loo* have increased noticeably these past couple of days. Hey, it beats the dry everything syndrome right? It has been my experience with increased water intake that it generally takes about 3 weeks of internal cleansing for my body to resume its regular routine. It will just level off without decreasing the fluids. The more flushing a body requires the more you will visit the L-word.  My body definitely deserves the investment. Does yours?

You can do this. If drinking water is not yet a large part of your life, it should be. It's completely natural and necessary for optimum health. Try adding 1 glass per day to your menu and simply increase it by one glass each week until you're drinking the amount recommended for you.

One way of determining how much water you should drink per day is to take your weight, divide that number in half and LISTO! you have the number of ounces of water suggested. Divide that by eight to get the number of glasses, it's a bit easier when you count by the glass. Example, if you weigh 200 lbs., half of that is 100. One hundred ounces is equivalent to 12.5 glasses of water per day.

This of course has it's variables. Please check with your doctor to get a more accurate determination for what is best for you.

Well, I'm off to you know where. 

*loo - noun Brit,. informal
  a toilet.

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