Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm a big fan of water. To me it's cleansing, healing, relaxing, invigorating, soothing...of course we all know it can also be the extreme opposite of all of this as well. I prefer to focus on it's benefits for now. 

Yes!... if you must know I'm still skipping the loo though not as often as when I started the increase in my water intake a few days ago and I'm still practicing my yoga regularly. Though instead of counting my daily routines I've decided take the number of hours (7 per week) into account instead. This way if I miss a day I can make up the hour during that week and not stress myself about it.

I'm am drinking a glass of water, dabbing on my eye, night and neck creams and calling it a night.

* My aunt Sella's (who will be 94 this September) face always lights up when I arrive at her doorstep with a fresh supply of her favorite moisturizers. She says they "scare" her wrinkles away - isn't that a hoot?
She's absolutely right.  One must hydrate inside and out.

**Here's to Sella the wrinkle-less grandma.

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