Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I must say...as much as I rave about Yoga, I have completely regained my devotion to Pilates. Since going raw 23 days ago I've seen and felt my body change, not only has it reduced it size, I can actually see (from the 1st few days) things (fat) disappearing. Shapes reforming, CUTS ever so gradually emerging - I'm THRILLED!!!

I currently practice Pilates 4-7 days per week. Yes! u too have the time, each workout is only 20 minutes long. I'm finished by the time my child wakes up a 7 a.m.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Golden Om Yoga Studio of Brooklyn, NY where a lovely array of vegetarian delicacies were offered after a super yoga class was definitely the place to be this morning. The Yoga/Brunch which featured both raw (made by yours truly) and cooked culinary delights was a complete success.

Breakfast Scramble Delight

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I've had many inquiries lately in regards to Raw Food, it's benefits, what to eat etc... This has prompted me blog on how to start on the road to a healthier, happier body and life by simply taking small steps at a time.

Step 1: Increase your water intake, invest in a filter and a reusable (portable) water bottle. Eliminate all soft drinks from your kitchen and mouth at all times, satisfy you sweet tooth with fresh juice. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you.

Step 2: Invest in a juicer if you haven't already (Macy's is currently having a sale on these very items) and if you do have one... make a decision to use it daily.

Step 3: Visit local bookstore and take home a book on juicing from which you will select 7-10 recipes. Create a shopping list of ingredients required.

Step 4: Pop in to the *organic section of your local grocery store and go to town!

Step 5: Prep items for busy mornings the night before (ie. peel your oranges, rinse your celery etc.) and store in bowl in fridge for easy morning juicing.

ENJOY!!! you'll wonder why haven't been doing this all of your life. Your Kids will LOVE it! I also freeze juice in popsicle trays for a refreshing treat. My son can't get enough of these, especially after coming home from his soccer game.

*Why organic? Well for me it's kind of a no brainer. Pesticides are poisonous (and I certainly don't want anything of that nature on or in (berries) my food. Also, pesticides are designed to damage the reproductive systems of these pests (which some can happily survive a nuclear war). If we are ingesting this...then? Ever wonder why infertility is at an all time high? As well as so many other horrific diseases. Just a little food for thought.

Conventional farmersOrganic farmers
Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth.Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants.
Spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease.Use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease.
Use chemical herbicides to manage weeds.Rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds.
Give animals antibiotics, growth hormones and medications to prevent disease and spur growth.Give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. Use preventive measures — such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to help minimize disease.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Just had some brown rice, corn, edamame (in total about 1 cup). My only recurring craving since going raw 13 days ago... so far I've fallen of the wagon about 3 times. Boy - am I nauseous. It's been about 15 minutes since I swallowed the last fork full of rice. Although the nausea a bit better, I am now experiencing utter exhaustion. I literally feel that I would not be able to keep my eyes open long enough drive to the store - about 12 miles away. It really makes no sense to give my body cooked food if it's not going to make me feel alive and vibrant.

To think, I've been eating like this (cooked) all my life, so have most people. Why? Whoops! just took a mini nap with my fingers still on the keyboard... big RED FLAG.
**Just increased my intake of water & Fortune Delight. Must take 15 minute nap if I am to function.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Zucchini Marinara made by Cira Lara
As of yesterday, I am proud to say, I have become a certified Raw Food Chef. My journey began with researching a highly nutritional diet for my mom who's health requires a jump start all together. I thought if I could feed her in the most nutritious way her body would do the rest. While discussing this with a colleague she suggested I look into raw food and it's benefits as a compliment to the exceptionally *regenerative herbal foods I was about to introduce into her life style.

I did some research and quickly registered for a class in my area. Well...was I surprised! My body felt so light and satisfied (no hunger whatsoever) from eating the foods that were prepared by my instructor that I've decided to "go raw" for the next 30 days. This will also allow me to experience what my mom's body will...some what at least - as we have very different diets.

* to Regenerate - bring into renewed existence.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Find more photos like this on Alliance for a New Humanity


Universe...one song. That pretty much says it all - we are one.

We are very powerful beings that if nourished appropriately we can become very effective in manifesting the goals that reflect our highest good - for ourselves and each other.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009


module top

Raising Little Yogis: 4 Reasons Yoga Benefits Kids


Maybe you can’t survive without your Thursday evening yoga class. It calms you down, it gets your heart rate going, it stretches out tight muscles, and it makes you feel like you just gained about 3 inches in height and in self-esteem. So if yoga does this for you, think about what it might do for your child who has to deal with his or her own set of stresses?children yoga

In typical yoga for kids classes, the same postures that you breathe and sweat through, are taught to your little ones, but in a more creative, playful and fun manner. Here are three reasons why having your child learn how to down-dog is so important to their health and yours.

Enhanced flexibility: Keeping kids flexible is so important, especially since their day-to-day lives seem to become more  stressful and sedentary as they clock hours at school and in front of the computer. Stiff muscles can lead to injuries later on, particularly in the lower back since hips and hamstrings tug on the lower back to compensate for their immobility. Kids tend to be a lot more limber and daring than most of adults. So balancing on one foot and being able to twist their bodies into some pretzel-like positions comes much easier to them than to us. But we used to be that limber!

Years of walking, sitting on chairs, engaging in Western exercise like running and cycling or years of not exercising at all, has stiffened us up. Take a quick jaunt back down on memory lane and remember how you could swing from limb to limb on a tree, legs and arms outstretched. Or remember how you could sit in a cross-legged position for hours as you colored for hour in your coloring book? For adults, even though that kind of flexibility may no longer seem like it’s available to you, it is. But just as it took your hips and hamstrings decades to get to the stiff-place they are in now, it will similarly take you some time to soften those taut muscles and joints and get them moving again like when you were a kid.

Greater focus and attention: I’ve often wondered what would happen if we took a group of rambunctious kids and had them go through a 20-minute yoga class filled with closed-eye breathing and gentle postures. Could continuous and thorough yoga classes be a replacement or a therapeutic compliment to  many of the pharmaceuticals being dispensed to children all in an effort to quiet them down? I don’t know but a test experiment might me worth trying. It can’t hurt.

Fosters self-esteem and body awareness in a non-competitive way: By drawing awareness on how their young bodies feel and the power and strength in their muscles, kids yoga improves self-esteem and helps children connect how what they do to their body affects how they feel. This same kind of awareness can spill over from the yoga mat into the kitchen:   Kids can learn to make better food choices by realizing how what they put into their mouths affects how they feel. Withchildhood obesity and diabetes rates at record levels, having children become aware of what they are eating, why they are eating and how much they are eating is indispensable knowledge that can keep them feeling and staying healthy for years to come.kids yoga

Creates a connection to Mother Nature: Today, so many children are so removed from nature and its surroundings. Whether they live in an urban area or whether their activity schedule leaves them little time to play outdoors, many of the children today don’t feel a connection to nature. When yoga postures were devised thousands of years ago, the Indian sages developed postures by mimicking the animals and plants that they lived in tandem with. Postures like tree pose, lion’s pose, cobra pose and turtle pose all get their names and appearance from the creatures in nature. This provides a powerful connection to nature for children who don’t enjoy such access to the natural world.

If you’re curious about yoga for kids classes, inquire with your local yoga centers and look for a teacher who either has a certification from a yoga for kids training program like YogaKids. There are also tons of DVDs for kids yoga. To make it more fun, do the DVD with them or invite some of your childrens’ friends over for a yoga party.

Have fun!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Breathing is important for two reasons. It is the only means to supply our bodies and its various organs with the supply of oxygen which is vital for our survival. The second function of breathing is that it is one means to get rid of waste products and toxins from the body.

Oxygen is the most vital nutrient for our bodies. It is essential for the integrity of the brain, nerves, glands and internal organs. We can do without food for weeks and without water for days, but without oxygen, we will die within a few minutes. If the brain does not gets proper supply of this essential nutrient, it will result in the degradation of all vital organs in the body.

The brain requires more oxygen than any other organ. If it doesn't get enough, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts and depression and, eventually, vision and hearing decline. Old people and those whose arteries are clogged often become senile and vague because oxygen to the brain is reduced. They get irritated very quickly.

Poor oxygen supply affects all parts of the body. The oxygen supply is reduced to all parts of the body as we get older due to poor lifestyle. Many people need reading glasses and suffer hearing decline in old age.

When an acute circulation blockage deprives the heart of oxygen, a heart attack is the result. If this occurs to the brain, the result is a stroke.

For a long time, lack of oxygen has been considered a major cause of cancer. Even as far back as 1947, work done in Germany showed that when oxygen was withdrawn, normal body cells could turn into cancer cells.

Similar research has been done with heart disease. It showed that lack of oxygen is a major cause of heart disease, stroke and cancer. The work done at Baylor University in the USA has shown that you can reverse arterial disease in monkeys by infusing oxygen into the diseased arteries.

Thus, oxygen is very critical to our well-being, and any effort to increase the supply of oxygen to our body and especially to the brain will pay rich dividends. Yogis realized the vital importance of an adequate oxygen supply thousands of years ago. They developed and perfected various breathing techniques. These breathing exercises are particularly important for people who have sedentary jobs and spend most of the day in offices. Their brains are oxygen starved and their bodies are just ‘getting by’. They feel tired, nervous and irritable and are not very productive. On top of that, they sleep badly at night, so they get a bad start to the next day continuing the cycle. This situation also lowers their immune system, making them susceptible to catching colds, flu and other ‘bugs’. http://www.holisticonline.com/Yoga/hol_yoga_breathing_Importance.htm

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I recently attended the Become the Change Community Outreach Program in NYC. Where Dr. Deepak Chopra invited us to "Become the change that you want to see in the world..." Mahatma Gandhi 

So... I took the vow. It's time to step up to the plate with more than just words.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The skin - or to use the correct term, cutaneous membrane - is the largest organ in the human body. There are about two square metres of it covering an average adult and it accounts for about an eighth of the total body weight. It's the body's first line of defence against a hostile environment, being waterproof (from both directions) and germ-proof. It also acts as a temperature control mechanism and the main access to one of the senses - touch.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


As we age, the water content of our bodies declines from about 78% at birth to a low of 50% in our senior years. Optimal hydration is paramount to our bodies maximum performance in all areas. If you wait until you're thirsty to drink it, there is a good chance that you are already slightly dehydrated. 

For human survival, water is definitely the most important nutrient and for optimal health, it is the most under-valued part of the human diet. Because water provides no caloric potential, it as been excluded from categorization as a macronutrient. Consider that a person can survive for weeks without food but only a few days without water*

Stay younger and healthier longer. Drink pure, clean water.

The Fountain of Youth, Health and Beauty
by: William D. Holloway, Jr. and Herb Joiner-Bey, N.D.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I had a string of beautiful experiences today, one flowing effortlessly into the other. As the sun went down I found myself in a yoga class in Park Slope, Brooklyn - led by Julie Brandwein. in the traditional Iyengar**method. This was my first experience with this style of yoga, and also my first formal class in years, but it will certainly not be the last. In fact I plan to sign up for her beginners series starting this weekend.

Julie is an exceptional teacher, she's very clear in her explanations of each pose- which for me is important as I tend to close my eyes as I practice. She got me twistin' stuff I didn't know could twist and boy is my body happy It feels really young (like maybe 12...no--kidding) and light.

I have two words for this class -- KICK ASS!!! 

If you're ready to welcome a new healthier body then Yogasana Center for Yoga is the place to go to sign up for Julie's class. Your body will love you for it.

**Iyengar teachings are characterized by an approach to over 200 postures and 14 breathing exercises. This methodology allows beginners to progress steadily and safely from basic to advanced as they gain more flexibility, strength and sensitivity. ----Yogasana Center brochure.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Health and well being is not only limited to our bodies it involves everything we are in contact with directly or not. The planet's well being is something we are all responsible for. We choose to take action each day...even when we "don't".  I'd like to share one of my personal favorite household products with you. Just add water to this super concentrated solution and it goes a very long way. I've been using biodegradable earth sensitive products for years, although when my son was born 8 years ago, all this was taken to a new level. 

SoL-U-Mel - is a biodegradable, all-natural, contains no caustic chemicals, can be mixed with water (add 1 part concentrate -pictured- to 5 parts water), with other EcoSense cleaners or used full strength.

This is virtually all I use. It's my all purpose spray (when water added) this can be ordered with a spray bottle so you can refill as often as you like. I clean my floors with it - I add it to the water in my mop bucket and I spray it directly on floors when using my Method O*MOP for in between the bucket duty, I also add a capful to my laundry and it is the ONLY product I have found to REMOVE pet odors (in particular cat spray, pee, barf etc...) effectively and easily. 

And when your child channels his or her inner Piccasso  all over your floors. "Don't Worry Be Happy",this will battle even permanent marker and...win! The good news is that it will not harm your surface in the process.

For information on these and othe Eco-Sense products please contact Denise Goodman/ Director with Melaleuca: The Wellness Company at 770-992-0088 and/or 404-312-3770.

**Happy cleaning!!!  -  Spring is almost here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Shortly after I walked into our morning meeting and arrange myself in my seat. Guess who leans over and whispers she had a banana and a cup of tea for breakfast?...It was none other than Miss Wanda herself. I was thrilled for her and as I leaned over to tell her how proud I was of her I notice she herself was grinning -wide and proud- as a Cheshire cat. So there we sat, each listening to our lovely instructor, each grinning like two Cheshire cats. For lunch her intention was to find a tuna salad somewhere but her ego lured her towards the chicken pasta. To her credit the chicken was sauteed not fried and it was lunch time (so she still had a few hours to burn that off) not dinner time.

YOU CAN DO IT WANDA, one step at a time.

Keep up the good work girl! one meal at a time.

How was your  journey today? 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was invited to participate in a Job Readiness Program recently, and have been doing so for the past two weeks, where we explore the ever changing economic circumstances, examine new job trends and various related strategies amongst other things.  It is always a great idea to broaden our knowledge especially in these uncertain times. During the course of each day I couldn't help noticing that the woman to my right,Wanda, simply could not keep her eyes open. She'd bundle herself up in her wrap and no matter how interesting the topics were the poor dear would just end up snoozin' away. Today, this was especially noticeable as she was completely oblivious to questions that were directed specifically towards her. 

Wanda and I ended up in the instructor's office after the session was over to review some key topics. Suddenly out of the blue she mentioned how exhausted she is all the time. Immediately Kathleen (the instructor) and I pointed out her poor eating habits as being the main reason for her barely there energy level. She wasn't quite sure what we meant at first then we gently reminded her that fast food was all we'd ever seen her eat during our group lunch breaks. Of course she was tired! She feeds her body with empty calories, a significant amount of fat, processed sugar, artificial colors etc... doesn't include much water in the mix and yet interestingly was not entirely sure as to why it hasn't been functioning as it should. 

Even while researching on the computer and jotting down notes Wanda continued to mention that she was in the process of searching for a physician to provide her with a weight loss routine as if that would miraculously snap her right back into optimum health. Nourishment is key we must make permanent changes to current eating habits if they are not for our highest good. Have you tuned in to your body today? Listen to it.

I'm not sure if my new friend is ready to commit to her body, mind and spirit to take necessary steps to care for herself through proper nutrition and regular exercise. As that was not the immediate resource she thought of looking into. We'll know for sure once lunch time rolls around. 

What can you do without in your diet? How many "big gulps" can you substitute for water during your day? When we take care of our bodies our bodies will take care of us. Not to mention that we will feel and look great! - a pretty good deal if you ask me.

I gave up late  dinners, now I'll blend a meal replacement shake* with a banana & some frozen fruit and call it a night. I tend to have even just that closer to 6pm rather that 8pm like I used tol. If I get a bit hungry later I allow myself a yogurt or a piece of fruit and listo! that usually does the trick. I've done so for 2 weeks and now I'm happy to report that my pants slide down a little during my yoga routine. 

*If this is something of interest to you check out www.procapslabs.com
This is what I have discovered works well for me, this particular product is less than 7o calories is additive free, very nutritious and is manufactured in an all solar facility. Can't beat that with a stick.
Oh! and it tastes good too. I prefer it mixed in w/OJ and water - of course.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm a big fan of water. To me it's cleansing, healing, relaxing, invigorating, soothing...of course we all know it can also be the extreme opposite of all of this as well. I prefer to focus on it's benefits for now. 

Yes!... if you must know I'm still skipping the loo though not as often as when I started the increase in my water intake a few days ago and I'm still practicing my yoga regularly. Though instead of counting my daily routines I've decided take the number of hours (7 per week) into account instead. This way if I miss a day I can make up the hour during that week and not stress myself about it.

I'm am drinking a glass of water, dabbing on my eye, night and neck creams and calling it a night.

* My aunt Sella's (who will be 94 this September) face always lights up when I arrive at her doorstep with a fresh supply of her favorite moisturizers. She says they "scare" her wrinkles away - isn't that a hoot?
She's absolutely right.  One must hydrate inside and out.

**Here's to Sella the wrinkle-less grandma.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


All this water talk has reminded me to boost my own intake. I'm usually quite good about it although somehow this time of year I must drink even more than I believe to be enough otherwise my... everything gets dry. What's so sexy about a dry everything? Absolutely nothin'!

So the trips to the loo* have increased noticeably these past couple of days. Hey, it beats the dry everything syndrome right? It has been my experience with increased water intake that it generally takes about 3 weeks of internal cleansing for my body to resume its regular routine. It will just level off without decreasing the fluids. The more flushing a body requires the more you will visit the L-word.  My body definitely deserves the investment. Does yours?

You can do this. If drinking water is not yet a large part of your life, it should be. It's completely natural and necessary for optimum health. Try adding 1 glass per day to your menu and simply increase it by one glass each week until you're drinking the amount recommended for you.

One way of determining how much water you should drink per day is to take your weight, divide that number in half and LISTO! you have the number of ounces of water suggested. Divide that by eight to get the number of glasses, it's a bit easier when you count by the glass. Example, if you weigh 200 lbs., half of that is 100. One hundred ounces is equivalent to 12.5 glasses of water per day.

This of course has it's variables. Please check with your doctor to get a more accurate determination for what is best for you.

Well, I'm off to you know where. 

*loo - noun Brit,. informal
  a toilet.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Water is your body's principal chemical component, making up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make your tired.

It's generally not a good idea to use thirst alone as a guide for when to drink. By the time you become thirsty, it's possible to already be slightly dehydrated. Further, be aware that as you get older your body is less able to sense dehydration and send your brain signals of thirst. Excessive thirst and increased urination can be signs of a more serious medical condition. Talk to your doctor if you experience either.

To ward off dehydration and make sure your body has the fluids it needs, make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following:

* Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal.
* Hydrate before, during and after exercise.
* Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings.

Every day you lose water through breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming water, beverages and foods that contain water.

If you drink enough fluid so that rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.*

For great child friendly explanations on this subject and many more log on with your child(ren) to  www. kidshealth.org

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My son and I were invited to a neighbor's house, this past Sunday, to create  vision boards (a powerful visualizing tool) for the New Year.  I was immediately grateful for knowing people who would invite me to such a lovely event. We entered into the light filled yoga studio and added our piles of magazines, glue sticks and scissors to the existing ones, chatted a bit and went to town!  While our children played together we, Dr. Placid Bone -founder of Golden Om Yoga - her husband Bryonn Bain, good friend Alicia and myself  had a great time selecting images for our prospective projects. Each one helped the other find the "perfect" couple, car, house etc... if they came across those images/phrases while searching for their own. The couple shared the vision boards they created last year and while pointing to each image they explained how almost all of them became true for them. Bryonn was especially exited to share his experience, as he had just arrived from church and had witnessed what he believed to be was the sermon of the year! He kept smiling and saying "YES WE CAN!" Very inspirational... and quite infectious. 

You know what? WE... includes you too.

** Vision Board (a great visualization tool)- essentially it's a visual collage of images and phrases that reflect your goals, dreams, desires, life direction etc... cut out from various magazines and glued to a poster board -size optional. 

Brief Guidelines:

2-Lay Out
4-Place photo (an obviously happy one of course) of you in the center (optional) 
5-Hang where you will see it often


I will help my son create his when his social calender permits